Monday, July 14, 2008

No more Mr. Nice Guy

Long story short:

I got into Bennington last night. Nice town of 300-500 people. Went to the city park to camp (no hotels or stores) and this very strange guy kept coming up to me. He was not a "townie." So after a great amount of soul searching, I called 911. The town cop came and took him away. He was a very suspicious guy.

This morning a rancher named Forest bought me breakfast. We talked about energy, our lives and our problems.

The 40 mile ride to Junction City was grueling. (Very high winds, high heat and lots of hills.)

Ten miles later, after going through Fort Riley I got to Manhattan. Rout 18 between Fort Riley and Manhattan is a death trap for cyclists.

It felt so cool here in Manhattan; it was only 89 degrees.

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